Sunday, July 17, 2011

Trash to Treasure

In preparation of my husband leaving for deployment in a few short weeks, I've been planning projects. So far, those projects have involved Craigslist, $50, heavy lifting and two hideous pieces of furniture with a lot of potential.

I'm not a fan of the shabby chic thing, so these need a BIG makeover
My husband, who is having trouble visualizing said potential, was aghast when I came home with these pieces. I will admit, in their current condition they are going to stay tucked away in our garage because they are, well, pretty hideous.

So I had to prove to him that with a little creativity, you can turn trash into treasure!

Had I not been so excited, I would have taken before pictures of the items used. Whoops... I'll try to remember that next time. But I found a picture online of a DIY candle holder using old vases and random candlesticks. I grabbed two vases that were collecting dust in our cabinet and Wal-Mart provided me with two candlesticks, two candles and split peas (how great is that idea?!?!) A little glue later and voila! They cost me less than $10 to make.

And hubby did not think these were hideous. Hopefully this has increased his faith in my upcoming decorating endeavors?

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