Thursday, June 2, 2011


On a recent visit, my mother announced she wanted to go to HomeGoods telling me, "They talk about it all the time on the blogs!"

A) I love that my mom is so hip and following "the blogs"
B) I have no idea to what blogs she's referring
C) I was a little upset I'd never heard of/been to this "amazing home store"

We found a HomeGoods (actually, we found two during our day of shopping, one on Jax Beach and one near The Avenues) and began the shopping excursion.

I do a lot of discount home shopping and I was in heaven here. Stores like Ross or Garden Ridge have good deals, but you have to weed through dented/broken/junky stuff. Everything in HomeGoods was super cute and in good condition!

I spotted these amazing serving dishes. LOVE LOVE LOVE the bright colors!

But... I couldn't rationalize any reason I needed them so I just helped Mom carry out all of her purchases.

This past weekend, DH and I decided to have a few friends over. At first I swore I wouldn't be doing any decorating. Then I thought about those serving plates I had been eyeing. 

Text message to DH: "Um, I had an accident."
DH: "What happened?!"
Me: "I accidentally bought some serving dishes..."
DH: "Sigh."

They are a sturdy ceramic and microwave and dishwasher safe - score! I left with a few serving plates (~$5 each), a condiments tray (~$8), a few bowls (~$4 each) and a huge orange platter I found in the clearance section ($7).

Finished up the festive look with limes in a few brightly colored glasses and some flowers I grabbed in Winn-Dixie ($6) in a vase I already had!


  1. LOL - it is a fun store! I thought you knew about it or I would have told ya! Pretty plates!

  2. By the way - it's Aunt Jen = Jenel Art :)
